Learn Yoga - Beginner Workshop Series

Learn Yoga - Beginner Workshop Series

24 Episodes

These 12 classes are presented in two part, the Introduction and Class, 24 parts in all, based on the outline and curriculum taught at Drorit's yoga studio, I-Yoga (Intimidated, Inflexible or Inexperienced) Novice Series.
This workshop is unique in that it has a 3-fold purpose: 1) a detailed instructional guidance system for the person who has always wanted to practice yoga but has been hindered by any of the above adjectives or maybe access to yoga as well. This yogi will learn all of the basic poses, transitions, breath and general concepts involved in the practice of yoga,
2) the beginner yogi will not only have the opportunity to learn yoga is a slow, succinct and instructional manner, but moreover will learn how to take most yoga classes in their own way, learning how and where to modify. This yogi will feel a sense of freedom and appropriateness in most classes, excluding very advanced classes. 3) a perfect review guide for the yogi who has been practicing for a moderate period of time yet feels under-educated in their practice. A yearning to learn more about alignment, breath and yoga philosophy and concept such as the Breath and Meditation.

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Learn Yoga - Beginner Workshop Series