Welcome to Yoga with Drorit

Welcome to Yoga with Drorit

2 Episodes

Dear Yogis,
This project was a unexpected but long-time dream of mine! When the pandemic hit each and every one of us, in many different way, I felt it was my place to continue to donate my time and energy to deliver yoga to those in need of some well-needed attention to the body, mind and soul as a way of healing and grounding.
Suddenly, I found myself with a huge library of live streams which I have been sharing on almost a daily basis to reach all of my yoga students and new yogi friends. Through this action, I have built a bridge to build an on-going website of classes at a reasonable cost so EVERYONE can afford and have access to a full yoga experience. Many of these videos are from Live streams and some are recorded for the purpose of this website. I will be adding more recorded videos as time progress! Please enjoy and share with your friends!
Namaste with LOVE,

Welcome to Yoga with Drorit